Effective September 7th, 2021

Policy Statement
Diamond Flight Centre London Inc. (DFC London) provides this policy for the health and safety of all students, employees, staff, contractors, and volunteers (“Campus Attendees”) who attend our campus. The objective of this Policy is to reduce the transmission of COVID-19.

This COVID-19 Vaccination Policy (this “Policy”) has been developed and implemented in accordance with the direction from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities, guidance from the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health, and local public health guidance and directives.

Proof of Vaccination
Upon arrival at DFC London, Campus Attendees must provide:
a) proof of vaccination against COVID-19; or
b) written proof of a medical reason (provided by a physician or a registered nurse) that sets out a documented medical reason for not being fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and the effective time period for the medical reason (i.e. time-limited or permanent). Individuals with a Medical exemption must undergo an antigen test and demonstrate a negative result at least once every seven (7) days. The official result paperwork of each negative test must be shown upon entry to DFC London.

For the time being, a Campus Attendee may provide an attestation that they are vaccinated in lieu of Proof of Vaccination; however, a Campus Attendees who provides an attestation will be expected to follow up with Proof of Vaccination by October 29th, 2021.

In the future DFC London may require Campus Attendees to provide Proof of Vaccination (or proof of a documented medical exemption) in electronic or paper format.

“Proof of Vaccination” must be the electronic or paper receipt provided at the time of vaccination. For the time being, showing this document upon entry is sufficient (i.e. the Ontario Ministry of Health document).

Prior to October 29th, 2021, a Campus Attendee who has not provided Attestation of vaccination or Proof of Vaccination, including those who have provided proof of a documented medical exemption, must undergo an antigen test and demonstrate a negative result at least once every seven (7) days. The official result paperwork of each negative test must be shown upon entry to DFC London.

Rapid antigen testing is available on a walk-in basis at various Shopper’s Drug Mart locations in and around London, Ontario for approximately $40. Antigen testing will be at the Campus Attendee’s expense.

All Campus Attendees, other than those who require accommodation as set out below, visiting DFC London’s campus must be fully vaccinated and provide Proof of Vaccination no later than November 5th, 2021.

As of November 5, 2021, those coming to the DFC London camps must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have an approved medical exemption. Those with an approved exemption will be required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test within the last 72 hours.

Those who are not fully vaccinated and who do not have an approved medical exemption will not be permitted on campus as of November 5th, 2021.

For the purposes of this Policy, “fully vaccinated” means having received the full series of a COVID-19 vaccine or combination of COVID-19 vaccines approved by the World Health Organization and having received the final dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at least 14 days ago.

Protective Measures
Campus Attendees are still required to undergo screening and wear face coverings while on campus and abide by all other local and provincial public health guidance and directives.

DFC London will ensure that all information collected for the purposes of this Policy is used only for the purposes of the Policy, shared only on a need-to-know basis, is stored securely, and deleted when no longer required.

DFC London is required to report non-identifiable statistical data on vaccination rates to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities weekly.

Review and Modification
DFC London will review this Policy on a regular basis and modify it based on current information and guidance.